More Question’s and Answers.

Questions and Answers.

This ten week course is drawing to a close. I am now considering what I have learned about myself and where do I want this experience to take me.

  1. I’m comfortable talking about certain aspects of my life.
  2. I have taken responsibility and only discuss what I wish.
  3. I have been surprised about how certain feelings I  have, have been mirrored in others.
  4. People have been supportive about my adoptive story.
  5. I have met some very good caring people.
  6. I wish to be a counsellor.
  7. I have a better understanding of how different I am in relation to how others see me.

To expand the points.

(3) While talking in the group I expressed the feeling that I have that when I am meeting new people I have the inner feeling that I think I am going to say something stupid, silly and others will think that I am below them….
One other in the group admitted to having the same feeling. Is this shyness as when I was younger I was painfully shy at times, It was very difficult to work through it. I still feel dread at times for meeting new people.

(7) I have received feedback from the role play on how well I have handled the session. I have felt that others must see something different as during the session that was mentioned I felt inner turmoil. I was very focused on getting everything right, the open, middle, close, trying to show empathy, asking the right questions.

All this shows me that everything I do and feel has an effect on my helping work. I must be careful not to allow any outside emotion or action I make impact on the session. The session is not about me it is about someone else.

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