E-mail to Methven

Dear Rev Patterson,
Good evening.
I am trying to find information on Marjory Anderson who lived in Methven in the 1960s. The last address I have for her is 14 Sauchob Crescent, Methven.
I do understand that there will be privacy issues in what you can tell me.
If I may tell you why I am asking.
My name is Kenneth Brown, I was adopted in 1961. I was born on the 10th Dec 1960 in Perth Royal Infirmary.
I was given the the name Ian Anderson by my birth mother. I am a husband and father and I am just looking for some answers. 

I am in the process of moving to the United States to live and wish to find information about my family.

I now live in Belvedere, Kent. I can be contacted either by e-mail or by telephone. My numbers are 01322 433650 or 07898 874034.

I do hope you can help. If you want to speak to me, please call and I will return the call.

Thank you.

Kenneth Brown.

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