Feeling down today.

It has been over a week since I made contact with Methven.

No answer to the e-mail has been received.

It leads me to start answering questions that have not been asked yet. Did the minister receive the e-mail. If so has he sat on it. Did it go into spam. Has he spoken to someone but no contact is wanted. Has no contact been made. I could go on and on…..

The funny thing is this is where the Church Web Site goes to. Last week it did not go to a holding page.

Funny the week I start making inquiries the site goes offline.  No answers just more questions.

The least I would of expected was a short e-mail saying that he could not help me.

Questions Questions Questions…..



A thought to think about.

I found this on G+

Follow this link to Ryan Vannin, this is his story.

In my first years of solo-enterpreneurship I used to wake up, have a quick coffee and immediately sit down straight in front of my mac for a couple of hours, without even brushing my teethes or changing clothes (that’s it, staying in my sleepwear).

Well, those times weren’t great… Why? Because day after day it became harder and harder to keep up with the outside world: going out was a pain (have a shower, shave, put on some clean and ironed clothes, wear shoes…).

It was such a big effort that every time I had to go out for a meeting or to do some shopping, I was fifteen or thirty minutes late because I was not used to deal with a normal and structured life and with the idea of how could I possibly leave my desk.

When my ex-girlfriend decided to leave me I had to react… I tried to re-conquer her by going out more, hanging out with some old friends hoping to meet her somewhere in town and hopefully rebuild a relationship, but it was too late, for her, but not for me!
I didn’t had a girlfriend anymore, but I finally realized that it was possible, even fun, to be always ready to go out, have fun, meeting people and living a life that’s mainly outside of my doors.

The lesson learned is: don’t let yourself go. Don’t be a victim of laziness and try to always work at home like you’d be in a real office in downtown.